Full Guide About Marriage Certificate Attestation In Chennai

Marriage Certificate attestation

A marriage certificate is a crucial personal document to legalize your marriage in your native country.

On the other hand, a marriage certificate attestation procedure is vital to procure to prove the authenticity of your document to use it in a foreign country. Marriage certificate attestation by the embassy of your destination country is an inescapable part needful for a family residence visa or sponsorship for the spouse.

The complete process of marriage certificate attestation is the task performed by the native government. This attestation procedure for a marriage certificate is unavoidable to validate your document authenticity in a country abroad.

What Is The Purpose Of Marriage Certificate Attestation Procedure?

With marriage certificate attestation by the embassy, you prevent the requirement for any further verification to make your document right, genuine and recognized by your destination country’s foreign ministry. Marriage certificate attestation in Chennai is a prerequisite task to procure a dependent visa and the following benefits.

Register legal rights
Tax benefits
Property planning benefits
Job benefits
Medical rights
Family bonuses

What Is The Complete Process Of Marriage Certificate Attestation In Chennai?

This attestation procedure for a marriage certificate involves a lot of paperwork, and its duration depends on the departments involved in the process.

So, the MEA invests its trust in its authorized superb enterprise agency to run the complete process of marriage certificate attestation on behalf of applicants.

The procedure of marriage certificate for attestation in Chennai –

Regional Verification
The initial step in the marriage certificate attestation by the embassy is getting them certified by the department that issued it.

State Home Department
The complete process of a marriage certificate for attestation includes the State Home Department from where the applicant issued the document.

MEA, Or The Ministry Of External Affairs
The MEA is a central government responsible for taking care of international affairs. There is a mandatory MEA attestation stamp applicant needs to get permission from the embassy of his destination country to use his legal document internationally.

Embassy Attestation
The consular of the respective embassy of the country you applied for marriage certificate attestation in Chennai will check your document and strengthen its authenticity with an attestation stamp.

What Are The Documents Required For Marriage Certificate Attestation In Chennai?

Apply for a marriage certificate attestation in Chennai with the following necessary documents.

Original Marriage Certificate.
Passport copy of both the husband and wife.
Authority Letter for the agency to run the attestation process on your behalf.

How To Get A Marriage Certificate Attested In Tamil Nadu?

The attestation process has various micro but crucial steps, which could be hectic to follow without professional help for a marriage certificate attestation service. Superb Enterprises Private Limited is an agency authorized by the MEA to solve the queries and run the attestation application of applicants on their behalf.

The following are the steps taken by the Superb Enterprises to complete the process of marriage certificate attestation.

1. Before processing your application for the complete process of marriage certificate attestation, we check your document to fit it into the embassy attestation protocol.
2. After the document verification from our standpoint, we submit it to the department that runs the marriage registration process in Tamil Nadu for further processing.
3. By getting the clearance that your marriage certificate is legal from the department that issued it, we process the third verification round performed by the state home office.
4. After the state-level verification of your marriage certificate for attestation in Tamil Nadu, the MEA confirms the document’s authenticity with a stamp and forwards it further for embassy attestation.
5. The consulate of the responsible embassy of your destination country verifies your marriage certificate and makes it legal to use internationally with an attestation stamp.


A marriage certificate attestation in Chennai is an unavoidable process to prove that you are married and eligible to obtain certain facilities available for married couples in a foreign country. The attestation procedure of a marriage certificate is also vital to procure a family visa, spouse visa, etc.

However, to run the complete process of marriage certificate attestation in Chennai, professional help is necessary to remove obstacles and get things done in an easy and fast manner.

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